Navigate in the owner's manual in the centre display

The digital owner's manual can be accessed from the centre display.

To access the owner's manual, tap on iCup-2037-App view symbol followed by iCup--2037-Owners manual.

There is a range of different options for finding information in the owner's manual.

Contents of the Owner's Manual


P5-1617-Owners manual, onboard category symbol start

Tap on the symbol to go back to the start page in the owner's manual.


P5-1617-Owners manual, onboard category symbol category

The articles in the owner's manual are structured into main categories and subcategories. The same article can be found in several appropriate categories so that it can be found more easily.

Visual navigation

Exterior and interior overview images of the car. Different parts are designated with hotspots that lead to articles about those parts of the car.

Press Exterior or Interior.
Exterior or interior images are shown with so-called hotspots in place. The hotspot leads to articles about the corresponding part of the car. Swipe horizontally over the screen to browse among the images.
Tap on a hotspot.
The title of the article about the area is shown.
Tap on the title to open the article.

To go back, press the back arrow.

Quick guide

Information to help you get started with the most commonly used functions in the car.


P5-1617-Owner Manual, onboard-symbol-video

Press the symbol to view brief instruction videos for various functions in the car.

Release notes

Read more about the current version and updates implemented.

Search function

Tap on the search field at the top of the owner's manual to access the search function from the homepage.

Use P5–1617–Symbol-Magnifying glas at the top in the owner's manual to access the search function from other pages.