


P5-S/V/XC60-21w22-Displays and controls, right hand drive
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1示廓灯、日间行车灯、近光灯、远光灯、转向灯、前雾灯/弯道辅助灯*、后雾灯、重置旅程表
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2平视显示器*
  3. P5-Icon red circle 3驾驶员显示屏
  4. P5-Icon red circle 4雨刮器与清洗,雨量传感器*
  5. P5-Icon red circle 5右侧方向盘键盘
  6. P5-Icon red circle 6显示屏照明、尾门解锁/打开*/关闭*、卤素大灯高度调节
  7. P5-Icon red circle 7机盖打开
  8. P5-Icon red circle 8喇叭
  9. P5-Icon red circle 9方向盘调整
  10. P5-Icon red circle 10左侧方向盘键盘


P5-1507 Instruments and controls 5
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1前阅读灯和车内照明
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2全景天窗*
  3. P5-Icon red circle 3车顶控制台的显示屏、ON CALL按钮*
  4. P5-Icon red circle 4车内后视镜手动防眩目


P5-21w22-S/V/XC60-Controls in tunnel and center console, left hand drive
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1中控显示屏
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2危险警示闪光灯、除霜、媒体
  3. P5-Icon red circle 3选档杆
  4. P5-Icon red circle 4启动旋钮
  5. P5-Icon red circle 5驻车制动器
  6. P5-Icon red circle 6静止时自动制动


P5-XC60-1717-Controls inside right door and seat overview, right hand drive
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1电动前排座椅*、车门后视镜和平视显示器*的记忆设置
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2中控锁
  3. P5-Icon red circle 3电动车窗、车门后视镜、电动儿童安全锁*
  4. P5-Icon red circle 4调整前排座椅
  1. * 选配件/附件。