Oct 28, 2021

IPO process: today we’re making history!

Today we’re listing our company on the Nasdaq stock exchange in Stockholm – a historical moment for Volvo Cars.

Volvo Cars president and CEO Håkan Samuelsson at bell-ringing ceremony for Volvo Cars listing on Stockholm stock exchange.

Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of Volvo Cars, rings the Nasdaq bell in Stockholm at 0900 to open trading.

Our new chapter will begin with the official bell-ringing ceremony, followed by a variety of media engagements for our chief executive Håkan Samuelsson and other members of our Executive Management Team. In those interviews, they’ll explain in more detail how we’ll use the proceeds of the listing to support and strengthen our abilities to deliver on our ambitious plans for the future.

"We’ll use the proceeds of the listing to support and strengthen our abilities to deliver on our ambitious plans for the future."

If you want to follow the development of our listing, you’re welcome to visit the Investors section of our website.

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