Long-term storage of cars with high voltage battery

To minimise the risk of damage to the high voltage battery during long-term storage (longer than 1 month) it is recommended that the state of charge (SoC) is maintained within a certain interval. Check the state of charge (SoC) in the driver display on a regular basis.

Before long-term storage

Recommended state of charge (SoC) for long-term storage is 40-50%.

  • If the state of charge is high – drive the car until it reaches the recommended interval.
  • If the state of charge is low – charge the car until it reaches the recommended interval.

During long-term storage

Check the state of charge regularly. If it is below 20%, the car must be charged.

If storage is expected to last longer than 3 months it is advisable to have a constant AC charge connected to the car. Choose a maximum state of charge of 40% or 50%. Regularly check that the AC charge is working.


Store the car in a cool place and avoid extreme temperatures during long-term storage in order to minimise the risk of battery damage. Select a storage location indoors or in the shade, depending on where the temperature is lowest, particularly in a hot climate.