Book service and repair1

Manage service, repair and booking information directly from your online car.

The information is handled in the Car status app, which is opened from the app view in the centre display.

This service provides, for certain markets, a convenient way to book service and workshop visits directly from your car. Vehicle data is sent to your dealer, who can prepare the workshop visit. The dealer will get back to you with a booking suggestion. For certain markets, the system will remind you of a scheduled appointment time as it approaches and the navigation system2 can also guide you to the workshop when the time comes. You also have information on your dealer available in the car and can contact your workshop at any time.

Before the service can be used

Volvo ID

  • Create a Volvo ID, see section "Volvo ID".
  • Register the Volvo ID for your car, see section "Volvo ID". If a Volvo ID already exists, use the same e-mail address that was used when the Volvo ID was created.

Changing contact address

If you would like to change to another e-mail address, you can contact a Volvo dealer.

Selecting a Volvo dealer

Select the Volvo dealer you would like to contact for service and repairs by going to and navigating to My Volvo.

Prerequisite for booking from car

For the car to send and receive booking information, it must be connected to the Internet, see section "Online car".

Using the service

When it is time for service, and in some cases when the car is in need of repair, a message will appear in the driver display and at the top of the centre display. The service date is determined by how much time has passed, hours that the engine has been running, or distance driven since the last service.

You can also book a workshop visit later via the My Volvo owner's portal. To ensure that your dealer has the latest information on your car you can send vehicle data, see section "Sending Vehicle Data" below.

Book service or repair

Fill in the appointment request when desired or when a message stating that service or repairs are needed is shown in the driver display and at the top of the centre display.

Filling in and sending an appointment request.

The car's engine must be running for it to be possible to send an appointment request.

Open the Car status app from the app view in the centre display.
Press the Appointments button.
Press the Request appoint. button.
Make sure that the correct Volvo ID is filled in.
Make sure that the desired Workshop is filled in.
Select Preferred technician1.
Select I prefer to wait during the visit or I prefer to leave the car1.
If I prefer to leave the car has been selected, also select I would like alternative transportation if you would like a courtesy car1.

Fill in information for the workshop in the field Tap to write information to the workshop, e.g. if there is anything you would like done during the workshop visit or any other important information to your workshop.

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Or press the button and speak the information. The information is then entered in the information field in your appointment request.

Press the Send appointment request button.

You will receive an appointment suggestion to your car within a couple of days.3. You will also receive the same communication via e-mail and when you visit Min Volvo.

In certain markets, once you have sent the appointment request, the message that the car needs service is extinguished in the driver display.

Press the Cancel request button to cancel your request.

The appointment request contains vehicle data when it is sent from your car to the workshop via your Internet connection. This information facilitates planning for the workshop.

Accept the appointment suggestion

The car will retrieve appointment suggestions via your Internet connection when it is available. When the car has received an appointment suggestion, a message will be shown at the top of the centre display.

Tap the message.
If the suggested booking is acceptable, tap on the Accept button. Otherwise press either of the Send new proposal or Decline buttons.

When an appointment suggestion is accepted, the reply will be sent to the workshop via your Internet connection.

Sending vehicle data

The car's engine must be running for it to be possible to send vehicle data.

You can send vehicle data at any time from your car, e.g. if you book a workshop visit directly via the My Volvo owner's portal, and will help your workshop with better basic information.

Open the Car status app from the app view in the centre display.
Press the Appointments button.
Press the Send car data button.

A message that vehicle data are being sent is shown at the top of the centre display. You can cancel data transmission by tapping the X in the activity indicator.

The vehicle data are sent via your Internet connection.

See workshop information

Open the Car status app from the app view in the centre display.
Press the Appointments button.
Press the Workshop information button.
A pop-up window with information on your dealer will open.
Call your dealer if you like, or tap on the address or GPS coordinates to start navigation to your workshop2.

Booking information and vehicle data

When you decide to book a service or send data from your car, the booking information and vehicle data will be sent via you Internet connection. The vehicle data make it easier for your workshop to plan your next visit.

The vehicle data consists of information in the following areas:

  • Service requirement
  • time since last service
  • function status
  • fluid levels
  • Meter reading
  • The car's vehicle identification number (VIN4)
  • The car's software version
  • the car's diagnostics data.
  1. 1Applies to certain markets.
  2. *Option/accessory.
  3. 2Applies to Sensus Navigation*.
  4. 3This time frame may vary depending on market.
  5. 4Vehicle Identification Number.