Mar 20, 2022

A letter from our new chief executive Jim Rowan: we will win as a team

On his first day as the CEO of Volvo Cars, Jim Rowan shares his thoughts on his new role, company culture and the future of automotive industry.

Jim Rowan joins Volvo Cars as chief executive officer.

Jim Rowan joins Volvo Cars as chief executive officer.

Hej everyone,

A new chapter in my life starts today. And it’s one that I’m incredibly excited about. To be able to join Volvo at this moment in time, in the middle of an enormous transformation, is very inspiring.

So when people ask me, “Why did you join Volvo?”, that’s my answer. I’m just really inspired by the opportunity. To be part of our shared journey in the coming years, to work with you all and create a company that is a leader in next-gen mobility, and take the company to new heights is something I really look forward to.

While I’m a lover of engineering and technology, I’m not a traditional automotive guy. I think that’s a good thing. Volvo is full of people who know the automotive industry inside out and have all the relevant skills. You don’t need me for that!

What I hope to bring to the table are insights and experience from the high-technology consumer products industry, as we make that transition to next-gen mobility. If we blend that with the talent and knowledge that we’ve built up within Volvo over the last 95 years, and put it together in the right way, I think it will be an extremely powerful combination.

We’ll always have our history and our pedigree. People trust the Volvo brand and know that it stands for something authentic and honest. No one can replicate that. But the language and expectations of next-gen automotive are changing. It used to be all about horsepower and cylinders. Now, it’s becoming much more about embedded technology that makes things easier and more convenient for our customers. The language has become much more inclusive and progressive, which is good.

We’ll always have our history and our pedigree. People trust the Volvo brand and know that it stands for something authentic and honest. No one can replicate that. But the language and expectations of next-gen automotive are changing.

Our purpose says it very well: we want to offer people the freedom to move in a safe, sustainable and personal way. Taking mobility carbon-free and being responsible for that transition is extremely motivating. It’s not just the right thing for Volvo, but more importantly, it is the right thing for society.

This is our moment to demonstrate that we take human safety as seriously as we take planetary safety. Two things that have never been more important and in which we will continue to do even more. Our approach to 100% electrification and a safe introduction of autonomous drive has engaged the whole company and we will achieve it, together. But in next-gen automotive, I also think the personal element will be more important than ever. Direct connection to our customers will become a huge enabler for sustained, profitable growth and additive to our brand value.

When you buy a Volvo or subscribe to one, you’ll still get a robust, reliable, safe, high-quality car. That won’t ever change: we’ll continue to invest and innovate in all of the core competencies that we’ve built over several decades. However, if we add to that an all-inclusive and seamless Volvo experience for our customers, we can make it their brand of choice throughout their lives. Mobility that not just protects you, your loved ones and the environment, but also gives enjoyment, convenience and complete peace of mind.

Finally, just a few words about our culture. Trust is important to me. I’d like this to be a company that trusts its people to do their job, a culture that provides equal opportunities to all, where our people are empowered to use their judgment and skills to help deliver our key objectives.

It also means that we’re a company that has earned the trust of its people. A company that’s here for you when you need support, whatever it is. And if something’s about to go wrong, I want everyone to feel confident to speak up and ask for help and guidance to solve the issue at hand. We will win as a team: no finger pointing, no blame game, let’s just get everyone focused on the mission.

Anyway, enough talk for now. You may have to be a bit patient with me in coming weeks as I get up in the saddle, but I plan to visit all our operations and get up to speed quickly. I look forward to meeting you and starting off this adventure together with you.

