Connecting and disconnect a Bluetooth® device

Sensus infotainment offers Bluetooth®, which makes it possible to establish wireless connections with other Bluetooth® devices after they have been paired and connected.

Up to 15 Bluetooth® devices can be paired and this procedure only needs to be done once for each device. After pairing has been completed, the device no longer needs to be visible or discoverable; its Bluetooth® feature only needs to be activated.

When Bluetooth® is active and the most recently connected device is within range, it will be connected automatically when the ignition is switched on. The device's name will be displayed in the sound source's normal view. To connect a different device, press OK/MENU and select Change device.

When the Bluetooth® device is out of range of the vehicle, it will be automatically disconnected. To manually disconnect the device, switch off its Bluetooth function.

To unpair a Bluetooth® device, see Deleting a Bluetooth® device. When this has been done, the infotainment system will no longer automatically search for the device.

Two Bluetooth® devices can be connected at the same time, for example a cell phone P3-1346-x60-BT phone connected symbol and a media player P3-1346-x60-BT media playing symbol, which makes it possible to switch between these devices.

P3-1346-x60-Active BT sources
Example: a cell phone is connected as a phone and as a media player