Suggest new map information

If your Volvo is equipped with Sensus Navigation, maps from the Here map supplier are shown. If you find that any information is missing from a map, or want to suggest changes, you can do this at Here's Map Creator service. Such information can include new addresses or rerouted roads.

Suggest new map information with Map Creator

On Here's Map Creator service, you can create an account to log in and suggest map changes. Instructions for how to do this are also found there.

The changes you suggest are sent to Here for review. Once the information has been verified and approved, the information you suggested is added to their maps. The changes will be available in your Volvo after your suggestion has been approved by Here and implemented in a map update that you then install in your navigation system.

Suggestions for changes and additions that are reported are reviewed and checked thoroughly before Here approves them and adds them to their maps. It can take up to twelve months before the changes reach the maps in your car. For information about how you update the maps in the car, see MapCare™


Volvo does not have the opportunity to verify, approve or implement the requests for map changes you send to Here.

Šis straipsnis taikomas

  • Car model/model year
  • S60, V60 and XC60 from and including model year 2014 to and including 2018Equipped with Sensus Connect.

  • V40, V70, XC70 and S80 from and including model year 2015 to and including 2019Equipped with Sensus Connect.

  • The range of models, systems and services may vary depending on market.

  • For car models from and including model year 2020, see on-line manual for the model concerned.