28 Sept 2021

Joining the call to action to decarbonise shipping

We’re one of 150 organisations calling on governments to act on decarbonising international shipping by 2050 – an initiative that supports our aim to become climate neutral by 2040.

A Volvo car being transported on a ship.

The full decarbonisation of international shipping will help us achieve our sustainability goals.

Sea transport is a key enabler for ensuring that our cars reach our customers all over the globe, and it’s also a vital part of our supply chain.

"We can't become truly carbon neutral without access to zero-emission sea transports. Eliminating tailpipe emissions from our cars and manufacturing operations will go a long way, but the big challenge lies in decarbonising logistics," said Martin Corner, head of Supply Chain Management (SCM).

“As a large buyer of shipping, joining this call to action is a logical step to push the development in the right direction," Martin said.

“We can't become truly carbon neutral without access to zero-emission sea transports.”

The Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonisation will be delivered to the world's governments ahead of the climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in November 2021.

The initiative – developed by a multi-stakeholder taskforce with members from the entire maritime ecosystem including shipping, chartering, finance, ports, and fuel production – is based on the view that full decarbonisation of international shipping is urgent and achievable.

Staffan Johannesson, Sustainability Manager at SCM, said: "As one of the signatories to the call to action, we are joining forces with some of the world's largest actors in global trade. We want governments to work together with the industry to deliver the policies and investments needed to reach critical tipping points in decarbonising global supply chains."
