When you buy a Volvo Selekt car, you are getting more than a great used vehicle. You are getting our commitment to your peace of mind. We accept only the best used Volvos, and we make them even better with our signature quality and safety.
All used vehicles receive the latest software upgrades, and Volvo-approved checks to certify they meet our safety, performance and appearance standards. Each car also includes and extensive Warranty and Roadside Assistance that gives you a great start with your chosen Volvo.
Our cars are always under five years old with less than 100,000 kilometres.
Volvo Selekt vehicles have a full service history carried out at an authorised Volvo Cars retailer.
Each car receives a 125 point inspection by Volvo technicians and software upgrades to the latest technology.
Get minimum 12 months unlimited kilometre factory Warranty and Volvo Roadside Assistance.