Contact Details

Privacy Notice

When you sign up on this page, Volvo Car USA LLC (“Volvo Car USA”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) will collect your identifiers (name, telephone number, Email address, and ZIP code). We use this information to: - answer the query you submitted; and - contact you with offers and information and marketing communications on Volvo Cars products and services that we feel may be of interest to you, based on our analysis of your information and the inferences we make from it (e.g. the type of vehicle in which you expressed interest or the state in which you live).

To do this we may also share your identifiers with our marketing partners. Under California law, you have the right to opt-out of this sharing as it may constitute a sale. To do so, please see Do Not Sell My Personal Information. For more information on our privacy practices, please read our Privacy Statement.

Select Method(s) of Contact

By selecting Text Messaging or Phone, I authorize VCUSA and/or an authorized dealer to contact me with offers or information about their products and services at my phone number listed above by using autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages. I understand that my consent is not required as a condition of purchase and that I can revoke my consent at any time. Standard message and data rates may apply. You’ll receive text messages that will provide you with information regarding Volvo Car's products, services, events, and similar marketing information.

* Required