Contact us

Here are different ways to get in touch. How can we help you?

Volvo cars support

For vehicle support or questions on Volvo Cars products and services, please visit Volvo Cars Support page for your country.

Tell Us reporting line

Tell Us reporting line is a dedicated channel to report any non-compliance issues. It's open to all employees and external stakeholders of Volvo Cars.

Report a vulnerability

Found a vulnerability on Volvo Cars products, solutions or services? Please follow the guideline to have it reported to us. Thank you.

Personal data

For requests regarding use of personal data as a job candidate, a former employee or consultant in the EU/EEA

Work with us

It's the people behind our products and services that make Volvo Cars. You'll love our inclusive, diverse work culture where you are free to be yourself.

Other support questions

For queries related to Volvo Cars' products and services and for all other enquiries, please write to us.

Two blocks of brown buildings in the background with two Volvo flags flying in the foreground

VAK building
Gunnar Engellaus väg 8, Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: 46-(0)31-59 00 00

Mailing address
Volvo Car Corporation
405 31 Göteborg, Sweden